Statement of the Union of Egyptian Students in Japan Regarding the Current Affairs in Egypt
Following the success of the glorious 25th January Revolution, all Egyptians had a dream of a powerful, pioneering country at both regional and international levels. They also had another dream of a democratic country based on equality, justice, the will of the people and a coherent society dependent on its ethical as well as religious beliefs. But we, like the whole world, were astonished by the military coup and ousting the democratically elected President Muhammad Mursi.
Regardless of supporting or opposing the elected president, we are only concerned about respecting the will of the people which, ALONE, must decide its destiny without an intervention or mandate from any party or a coup imposed by the military that demolished the bases of democracy represented by five elections and referendums.
We hereby confirm that: We, the Egyptian students in Japan, reject and condemn this military coup and ousting the first democratically elected president of Egypt. By this, we do not support a party or another. We only support the values of freedom, justice and democracy, while believing that the future of Egypt, and henceforth that of our children, relies on these values.
従って、次のことを声明する。 1。我々日本で学ぶ学生は、今回の軍によるクーデーターと選挙で選出された大統領の追放を拒否し、強く批判する。このことは何ら特定の政党を支持するものではない。我々は、自由と正義と民主主義だけを支持する。我々は、この価値観にエジプトの未来と従って、我々の子どもの未来もあると信じるからだ。 We also severely condemn violating personal freedom, shutting down TV channels, setting fire to political party headquarters and detaining public figures from different political orientations. In fact, we consider this a kind of going back to the past when Egyptian suffered from silencing voices and police violations. Therefore, we believe that the people will never accept to go back to these irregular practices against which they revolted on 25 January 2011.
The union of Egyptian students in Japan calls upon all political parties to formulate a road map for the next phase through a serious dialog based on the demands of the 25th January Revolution in which all Egyptians participated. The union also hopes that this dialog will be run in a context free of distrust, claims of initiating the revolution and excluding anybody else. Nobody has the right to speak alone in the name of Egypt.
The Egyptian Armed Forces must keep away from politics and perform their role in guarding the nation as stipulated in the 2012 Constitution approved by the majority of Egyptians.