広大生のみなさん! 私たちは来る8月5日に開催される「全国学生集会 in ヒロシマ」へのご参加を熱烈に呼びかけます。被爆65周年を迎える今夏8・6ヒロシマには、核と戦争に反対する学生や労働者が全国から集まります。さらに今年はドイツからも4人の学生が来日し、8月5~7日の行動を日本の学生とともにします。国境を越えた学生・労働者の力で、いっさいの核兵器を廃絶しましょう!
Dear Students and Faculty of Hiroshima University,
I am writing this appeal in the sincere hope that you will join the Zengakuren on August 5th, 6th, and 7th, in the struggle against warfare and nuclear arms. On this 65th anniversary of the atom bombing of Hiroshima, the association of Hiroshima with “Peace” appears to have become altogether trite and beset by hypocrisy. Hiroshima Mayor, Akiba, applauds President Obama whose policy strives to monopolize nuclear arms. Behind closed doors, the university itself collaborates with US counterterrorism and the production US nuclear arms.
It is difficult, then, to find organizations and student unions dedicated both to maintaining and fighting for the integrity of the word “Peace.” On this account, I urge you to join the Zengakuren on August 5th, 6th, and 7th, if only to meet others who fight for the exposure of hypocrisy and struggle, sincerely, for the possibility of peace without war. Join us!!